2020-21 Fulbright Fellows

Deve Mehta '20

Natalie Armstrong ’20, an environmental analysis major/geology minor, has been awarded a Fulbright to Greenland, where she will teach English. 她希望以自己在北极学习的经历为基础,利用包括讲故事在内的合作和引人入胜的教学方法, play reading and writing to create an all-inclusive classroom. Outside the classroom, 阿姆斯特朗希望与北极青年网络合作,将不同背景的学生联系起来. She plans to pursue a PhD in environmental studies and a JD in environmental law.

Deve Mehta '20

Kai Bidell ’20, an environmental analysis major, 富布赖特尼赫鲁奖的获得者是否会去印度研究印度2%的账单是否能帮助世界实现100%的可持续性. 他计划探究为什么与2%法案中规定的其他投资类别相比,环境可持续性似乎没有得到优先考虑. To engage with the community, Bidell plans to volunteer for the Youngistaan Foundation, 致力于Bright Spark教育项目,鼓励孩子们继续上学. In the future, 比德尔希望在一家大公司的可持续发展部门工作,并最终获得MBA学位.

Haley Burger ’20, a biochemistry major, has received a Fulbright Fellowship to 尼泊尔 to teach English. 伯格计划使用通过故事学习语言的教学法,因为它本质上是互惠和合作的. 她的社区参与将包括与当地社区卫生工作者联系,从尼泊尔的角度探讨我对公共卫生问题的兴趣. 伯格未来的计划包括攻读环境公共卫生研究领域的研究生.

Deve Mehta '20

Priscilla Cobian ’16, a sociology/Spanish major and Chicano studies minor, has been awarded a Fulbright to Mexico to teach English. For the past two years, Cobian worked as a residence director and diversity and inclusion coordinator at Pitzer. As an ETA instructor, 她希望在课堂上建立一个社区,让学生们感到舒适,并消除学习新语言时经常产生的恐惧. 她参加社区活动的一项活动是参加芭蕾舞folklórico或当地的舞蹈班, regional dances. Cobian计划继续攻读教育学研究生,并继续与第一代大学生一起工作.

Deve Mehta '20

Eliana Cowan ’20, a human biology major, 是否获得尼泊尔富布赖特奖学金,研究孕产妇心理健康,重点关注医疗保健系统转型带来的心理健康差距,并评估Jumla的孕产妇心理健康, 尼泊尔. Community engagement will integrate Cowan’s love of art, 自然和药用植物参与这些话题的对话,并讨论当地的植物知识. Upon returning to the US, she plans to study naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University. In addition, Cowan intends to pursue a PhD in medical anthropology.

August Kahn ’20, a religious studies major, has received a Fulbright to Germany to teach English, 他希望在那里被考虑加入多元化项目,并利用英语教育作为加强难民与欧洲联系的一种方式,同时避免同化制度. In a mixed class of German-born students and refugees, 他将使英语学习不仅成为课堂内的相遇点,而且成为接触课堂之外思想的窗口. Outside the classroom, 卡恩将与当地活动人士和教育工作者合作,希望为穆斯林和犹太中学生开办一个课后项目. Upon returning to the US, 他将继续参与穆斯林和犹太人的团结,并利用他在德国的经历来理解这种关系的全球背景. 他希望进入拉比学校,继续在跨宗教活动领域工作.

Esme Kline ’19, an organismal biology major, 获得了富布赖特奖学金去巴拿马做研究,她将在那里调查博卡斯德尔托罗珊瑚礁衰退的历史驱动因素. Kline’s research will involve three phases: physical collection of coral cores; extraction of skeletal material for geochemical analyses and development of growth chronologies and analyses of results. To complement her research and for community engagement, 她计划与“海洋女性”指导项目合作,该项目旨在让当地女孩在海洋中更自在,并通过冲浪等活动加深她们与海洋的联系, snorkeling and beach cleanups. Her future plans are to pursue a PhD in marine ecosystems and society. 

Megan Schmiesing ’20, an environmental analysis major/Spanish minor, 获得了富布赖特奖学金,在西班牙教授英语,她将利用她以前的ESL经验,在西班牙的课堂上灌输一种好奇心和相互尊重的跨文化学习意识. For community engagement, she wishes to join a church choir since music is one of the best bridges between people. 因此,她希望在社区中建立更深层次的联系,沉浸在文化中,同时分享她对音乐的热情. Her future plans include obtaining a law degree.

Deve Mehta '20

Emily Sender ’20, an American studies major and Spanish minor, is the recipient of a Fulbright fellowship to teach English in Mexico. 借鉴以前在墨西哥的经验,包括为她的毕业论文研究墨西哥的被驱逐者和返回者移民, 艾米丽希望继续参与美国和墨西哥之间复杂的关系. Outside the classroom, 艾米丽希望与移民社区合作,并与学生和社区成员建立有意义的关系. 

Deve Mehta '20

Simone Wolynski ’20, an Africana studies and Spanish double major, 曾获富布赖特奖学金赴哥伦比亚教授英语,她将以英语教师的身份参与哥伦比亚的教育事业,指导未来的教育工作者. Teaching in Colombia interests Wolynski, 特别是随着以教育援助措施为核心的历史性赔偿计划的实施. 社区参与将包括与社区接触,这些社区创造艺术作为一种抵抗行为,她目睹了在整个非洲侨民中发生的事情. Wolynski’s future plans include pursuing a JD, focusing on environmental justice policy to better race relations, environmental health and educational access.